Name change from Stempeluniversum to LiLLiFY
Wir haben aufregende Neuigkeiten: Aus "Stempeluniversum" wird LiLLiFY. Mit LiLLiFY möchten wir uns als Marke positionieren, die nicht nur Produkte liefert, sondern auch Inspiration und Freude am kreativen Schaffen. Der neue Name symbolisiert unsere Weiterentwicklung und unser Engagement, unseren Kunden noch mehr Möglichkeiten zur individuellen Gestaltung zu bieten.
Dear ones, we have big news for you.
We have decided to change our company name from "Stamp Universe" to "lillify" to better reflect our vision and mission. The new name "lillify" stands for creativity, lightness and the joy of small, fine details that make each project unique.
While "Stamp Universe" emphasized our origins as a supplier of stamps and crafting materials, "lillify" represents our expanded focus on personalized and versatile design options. The name expresses our passion for simplifying creative processes and finding beauty in small things.
With "lillify" we want to position ourselves as a brand that not only delivers products, but also inspiration and the joy of creative work. The new name symbolizes our further development and our commitment to offering our customers even more options for individual design.